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What's going on...

Here's a few highlights:

JF Quartet with the beautiful horn player, Kerry MacKillop, is now on Friday nights at Swing 46 for the early set (5:30 to 8:30 PM). We've been together for over 2 years now and we are tight! Come join us for dins, drinks, dancing.

I've got some nice hits at Le Rivage, the Rum House, the Bateaux, Smalls and the Jazz Gym to name some.  Please check the Show page and....

Thank you so much for joining me with my Trio at Mezzrow and Greg Ruvolo's Big Band Collective at Birdland; two super fun performances.  You can watch the video of Mezzrow at their website.

Find out more on the SHOW page.  Thank you!


Thanks for contacting me!

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